Conference Topics
1. Sustainability Science
- Environmental and Applied Science
- Agricultural and Food Science
- Materials Science and Materials Technology
- Climate Change
2. Innovative Technology and Sustainability Engineering
- Smart and New Technologies for Electrical Engineering
- Electronics, Computer and Communication Engineering
- Renewable Energy for sustainable society
- Alternative Energy and Thermal Engineering
- Energy Management Technology and Green Building
- Green Manufacturing, Zero Waste to Landfill and Recycle Technology
3. Textiles and Design Sustainability
- Textile Chemistry and Finishing
- Textile Technology and Innovation
- Eco Textile
- Design
4. Economic Modelling
- Innovation and economic growth
- Innovation and financial markets/system
- Infrastructure and economic growth and financial system
- Energy and economic growth and financial system
- Financial market volatility
- Commodity markets
- Islamic finance
- Stability of the banking system
5. Special Forum
- Global SME
- Aviation & Railway System
From The 9th Conference